Our school has several boats of different classes. Each boat has its own charm and character, here is an insight into our boat fleet.
J 80 this ultra-modern keelboat from the USA offers everything imaginable in terms of sailing pleasure. With its high stability and enormous speed potential, the J 80 is the ideal platform for any kind of sailing training / for training – regatta training and match racing
Trias open keel yacht – absolutely capsize-proof and unsinkable / for training and rental
Bénetéau First 265 comfortable sporty keel yacht with 4 berths, kitchen, cool box and stove, dishes, wc… / for training and rental
Sunbeam 27 comfortable safe keel yacht with 5 berths, kitchen, cool box and stove, dishes, wc… / for training and rental
First Class 8 Racer / Cruser keel yacht fast boat with 4 berths, lifting keel / for training and rental
Cap Ferret 550 walkaround motorboat with 50 hp engine power with its clear design the ideal school boat / for training
Quicksilver Open 555 motorboat with 100 hp engine power, the ideal boat for relaxing days on the lake, bimini, water ski mast, sun lounger/ for training and rental