

Boating test

I want to get my boating license, what do I have to do?

Would you like to get your boating license? Open the link of the Navigation Office : to find out the complete and detailed procedure!

Theory test

A focused woman in glasses and headphones works on a laptop from a cozy bed.

You can start the practical lessons before the theory test. However, if you want to take the practical exam, you first need the theory exam and then the letter of authorization (only for non-cantonal students) from the shipping office in your canton of residence. Information at:

To obtain the Swiss boat license category A (for motorboats with more than 6kw propulsion power, Lake Constance: 4.4kw) or category D (for sailboats with more than 15m² sail area, Lake Constance: 12m²), you must pass the theory test. The theory test is the same for both the sailing license and the motorboat license.

Rating system

– 60 questions per questionnaire

– There are 3 answers to each question

– More than one answer can be correct

– 60 questions x 3 possible answers = 180 points

– Each incorrectly marked answer = 1 error point

– Each correct answer not ticked = 1 error point

– None or all answers ticked = 3 error points

– The test is passed with a maximum of 15 error points

The exam preparation can be internalized relatively quickly with diligence, a little discipline and the appropriate self-study material.

Theory documents – teaching materials are available as a theory book, eBook, CD/DVD for PC & MAC and as an app for smartphones and tablets.

And if you don’t feel completely confident before the theory test, you can of course book a theory course with us

Lake Neuchâtel

Excellent wind conditions make our location one of the most reliable sailing areas far beyond our national borders. The ideal sailing area par excellence, both for beginners and experienced sailors!

The medieval town center of Neuchâtel with its many cafés and restaurants exudes French charm and invites you to take a stroll. Neuchâtel is also an interesting and varied museum city and is characterized by picturesque landscapes and fantastic beaches.

Lake Neuchâtel – Yacht charter

You can hire the following boats from our fleet from us. So that they stay “in shape” even after the test. Favorable rates, without “membership fee”! Easy reservation also at short notice by phone, SMS or WhatsApp on 079 6375 375. Our yachts are always in perfect condition. If you have a problem during the rental period, we are always there for you.

Our school has several boats of different classes. Each boat has its own charm and character, here is an insight into our boat fleet.

J 80 this ultra-modern keelboat from the USA offers everything imaginable in terms of sailing pleasure. With its high stability and enormous speed potential, the J 80 is the ideal platform for any kind of sailing training / for training – regatta training and match racing

Trias open keel yacht – absolutely capsize-proof and unsinkable / for training and rental

Bénetéau First 265 comfortable sporty keel yacht with 4 berths, kitchen, cool box and stove, dishes, wc… / for training and rental

Sunbeam 27 comfortable safe keel yacht with 5 berths, kitchen, cool box and stove, dishes, wc… / for training and rental

First Class 8 Racer / Cruser keel yacht fast boat with 4 berths, lifting keel / for training and rental

Cap Ferret 550 walkaround motorboat with 50 hp engine power with its clear design the ideal school boat / for training

Quicksilver Open 555 motorboat with 100 hp engine power, the ideal boat for relaxing days on the lake, bimini, water ski mast, sun lounger/ for training and rental


An adult woman marks job listings in a newspaper while sitting indoors, highlighting job search activity.

Here you will find various used nautical equipment. This section is updated on an ongoing basis.
Contact us if you are interested in an advertisement or would like to place an advertisement yourself.

For sale: Triassic

Condition – good / 1st marketing in 1975

Price: Fr. 2900.-

For sale: Square Top Mainsail Cross-Cut for J Boats J 80 22 m2

Condition – new

Price: Fr. 1400.-


Here you will find various used nautical equipment. This section is updated on an ongoing basis.
Contact us if you are interested in an advertisement or would like to place an advertisement yourself.

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